OpenLMI = Open Linux Management Infrastructure.

OpenLMI is open-source project aiming to improve management of Linux systems using WBEM standards. We reuse many already available open-source WBEM components, adding the missing ones and integrating them into one system management solution.

In short, WBEM can be described as a remote API for system management. See WBEM overview for details.

Client components

There are many already existing tools and libraries to manage WBEM-enabled hosts. see WBEM overview for details.

OpenLMI project adds LMI metacommand and LMIShell.

LMI metacommand

A command line utility to perform discovery and operations on remote managed systems. For example, it can start a printing service on remote system:

/usr/bin/lmi -h service start cups

LMI metacommand users do not need to know anything about WBEM, all the complexity is hidden inside.


A high-level python-based WBEM client, that can be used for scripting or as an interactive shell to manage remote systems. For example, one can write a script to start a service:

c = connect("", "root", "opensesame")
cups = c.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name" : "cups.service"})

LMIShell users do not need to know anything about WBEM transport protocols, however some knowledge about the aforementioned remote API becomes necessary. In the example above, the script author must know that system services are exposed as instances of LMI_Service class with property Name (the service name) and method StartService() that starts the service.

Server components

OpenLMI focuses on implementation of missing providers for networking, storage, system services, packages and so on.


This documentation was generated using following releases:

  • openlmi-providers: development version, 0.6.0-4-g867cf61
  • openlmi-networking: 0.3.1
  • openlmi-storage: 0.8.1
  • openlmi-scripts: development version, 0.2.8-161-gcd65bf4
  • openlmi-tools: openlmi-tools-0.10.4