
Class reference

Subclass of CIM_ProtocolEndpoint

A class derived from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint which represents the DNS client and DNS configuration for a single IP endpoint. The DNS server addresses can be determined by querying the AccessInfo property of associated CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint instances which have an AccessContext of “DNS Server”. The order in which the DNS servers will be queried can be determined by the relative values of the OrderOfAccess property on each CIM_RemoteAccessAvailableToElement association which associated the CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint with the CIM_DNSProtocolEndpoint.

Local properties

boolean AppendParentSuffixes

Whether or not the client appends the parent domain suffix to target names prior to attempting to resolve.

string DomainName

The domain to use for this client connection.

string Hostname

The Hostname actually in use for this client connection.

boolean RegisterThisConnectionsAddress

Whether or not the client attempted to register this connection’s address in DNS.

uint16[] DHCPOptionsToUse

One or more DHCP options that the DNS client is utilizing if they were returned during a DHCP bind operation.

ValueMap Values
8 Domain Name Server
14 Host Name
17 Domain Name
18..32767 DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 Vendor Reserved

boolean AppendPrimarySuffixes

Whether or not the client appends the primary domain suffix to target names prior to attempting to resolve.

string[] DNSSuffixesToAppend

The DNS suffixes to append when attempting to resolve a hostname.

boolean UseSuffixWhenRegistering

Whether or not the suffix is appended before registering the client name with the DNS server.

Local methods
