
Class reference

Subclass of CIM_ProtocolEndpoint

The LinkAggregator8023ad class represents an instance of an 802.3ad aggregator in a system. The word actor is used in property names to refer to the local entity of an aggregation.

Local properties

string ActorSystemID

A 6-octet MAC address value used as a unique identifier for the System that contains this Aggregator. NOTE: From the perspective of the Link Aggregation mechanisms described in Clause 43 (IEEE 802.3ad), only a single combination of Actor’s System ID and System Priority are considered, and no distinction is made between the values of these parameters for an Aggregator and the port(s) that are associated with it; i.e., the protocol is described in terms of the operation of aggregation within a single System. However, the managed objects provided for the Aggregator and the port both allow management of these parameters. The result of this is to permit a single piece of equipment to be configured by management to contain more than one System from the point of view of the operation of Link Aggregation. This may be of particular use in the configuration of equipment that has limited aggregation capability. Note that the MAC address is formatted as twelve hexadecimal digits (e.g., “010203040506”), with each pair representing one of the six octets of the MAC address in “canonical” bit order according to RFC 2469.

uint16 ActorAdminKey

The current administrative value of the 16-bit Key for the Aggregator (Actor). The administrative Key value may differ from the operational Key value for reasons discussed in the IEEE 802.3ad document, Section 43.6.2. The meaning of particular Key values is of local significance.

datetime TimeOfLastOperChange

This object indicates the time of the most recent change to this aggregator, its list of aggregated ports, or configuration of a aggregation port member.

uint16 ProtocolIFType

ProtocolIFType’s enumeration is limited to 802.3 LinkAggregation and reserved values for this subclass of ProtocolEndpoint.

ValueMap Values
1 Other
161 IEEE8023adLAG
225..4095 IANA Reserved
4301..32767 DMTF Reserved
32768.. Vendor Reserved

uint16 ActorSystemPriority

A 2-octet value indicating the priority value associated with the Actor’s System ID. The system with the lower value has the higher priority. Guidelines for the use of system and port priorities is given in IEEE 802.3ad document, Section 43.6.

datetime CollectorMaxDelay

The value of this datetime property (expressed using an interval format) defines the maximum delay that may be imposed by the Frame Collector between receiving a frame from an Aggregator Parser, and either delivering the frame to its MAC Client or discarding the frame.

boolean RepresentsAggregate

A Boolean value indicating whether the Aggregator represents an Aggregate (TRUE) or an Individual link (FALSE).

string MACAddress

A 6-octet value carrying the individual MAC address assigned to the Aggregator. Note that the MAC address is formatted as twelve hexadecimal digits (e.g., “010203040506”), with each pair representing one of the six octets of the MAC address in “canonical” bit order according to RFC 2469.

uint16 ActorOperKey

The current operational value of the 16-bit Key forthe Aggregator (Actor). The administrative Key value may differ from the operational Key value for reasons discussed in the IEEE 802.3ad document, Section 43.6.2. The meaning of particular Key values is of local significance.

Local methods
